Email marketing is one of the great pillars of digital Jewelry Retouching marketing, as it combines excellent ROI with great versatility when it comes to communicating with our audience. However, for this channel to be effective, it is necessary to continuously evolve and optimize the different elements of our emails, and this is where A/B tests are our great allies. Do you Jewelry Retouching want to see how they can help you?
Well keep reading! Do you want to improve your email Jewelry Retouching marketing campaigns ? Click here and get the 1-hour course for free to optimize your emailings and results. Email marketing with which elements we can do AB testing How to use A/B testing in your email marketing A/B tests are a kind of "controlled experiment" in which we test two variants of an email to see which works better with our target audience. For example, we can try to send the same Jewelry Retouching email, but with two different images.
We will call them "variant A" and "variant B". Once Jewelry Retouching we have decided which element we want to modify and we have designed the two variants, what we do is send each variant to a different part of our database. Depending on the volume of registrations we handle, we can send each variant to 50% of the list, or we can do a test with a reduced Jewelry Retouching percentage (for example, send variant A to 5% of the list and variant B to the other